Design of your current site
Here’s the deal: if you have a site which was made some 8-10 years ago at a cheap rate and there have been no updates since then, the search engines are not going to be interested in it. You should have been constantly updating it with keywords and SEO-friendly features besides undertaking some high volume search promotion to obtain a good ranking with the search engines. This is in case you didn’t get the job done properly the first time, and the SEO services provider will have to work doubly hard to improve your current site. In case your site architecture is built well, it will cost you lesser to get your job done.
Experience of the SEO Consultant/firm
There are SEO services available at $15/hour, and there are those that charge $200/hour. If your SEO consultant has a lot of experience behind it, it is bound to believe it is worth a better price per hour than somebody who has started off. You need to judge which skill set you want working at your SEO campaign, and decide you budget for SEO accordingly.
Services Opted for
There are many services offered by a SEO consultant, and you need to decide which out of those the requirements of your business are. The more number of services you subscribe for, the higher your cost is going to be. In order to judge which services you require, you will need to have an in-depth knowledge of your business, its drawbacks and the areas that require improvement.
It’s simple: if you opt for a few keywords, the charge will be less, whereas if you opt for hundreds of them, you will be charged more. Time taken to optimize many keywords will be more, hence you will be charged more. But always insist for organic optimization so that your site continues to show results even if your SEO term is over with your consultant...