As 2010 descends, we get ready to welcome this New Year with open arms. It had been a great year (glad that America has bounced back .. no questions about why we are still the leading nation across the globe). Let's pledge to continue our association next year.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Welcome 2011
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving 2010
It’s time to be thankful for all the good things in life. Thanksgiving 2010 is upon us and here Analytix Team wishes you a sincere heart-felt thanks to all our clients, well-wishers, friends and family who have helped us survive the difficult recession of 2009-10. We look forward to enriching upon this relationship for further growth next year.
Analytix Team wish you great time with your family and friends on the Thanksgiving Day.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Happy Columbus Day
Analytix wishes you a very HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY! It’s the day of the arrival of Columbus in America and celebrates the spirit of adventure and discovery. So hope your day is filled with fun and adventure!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Looking for SEO services? Ensure that your package includes optimization for Bing
Getting the maximum number of visitors on your website is the main objective of SEO services. Hiring an expert for your search engine optimization ensures that your website becomes visible to online users for your preferred keywords; that is the success of your SEO services. However, the immense popularity of Google as a search engine has made a lot of SEO companies ignore the importance of Bing, which can be a huge crowd puller. Bing has created its own niche as far as search engines are concerned. It has its own users, who are significant in numbers, which cannot be ignored by any business organization. Your SEO services package should hence include planning for Bing as well. Some important factors your SEO company should consider for Bing are:
- As with other search engines, content is very important with Bing as well. Experts familiar with SEO services suggest keeping content quantity high - your web pages should have at least 300 words or more, if you want to optimize your website for Bing. Google requires a bit less than this, but you would do well to keep the content long, so that Bing likes and crawls your content as well. If you do not have the time to take care of content, your SEO company might also provide content writing services, which you can avail.
- Like Google, Bing also likes it if your website has linking with other sites in the same industry. Your SEO services package will by default include link building services, which will serve you well for Bing optimization. Hence, you should include link building in your SEO services if you are focusing on Bing.
- An older website domain is usually preferred by Bing’s crawlers. Even before you think of hiring SEO services, your website domain should be several years old. You have the option of buying an older domain or maintaining multiple ones in order to maintain website visitors. If required, your SEO company can help in marketing your relatively younger domain aggressively to offset any disadvantages through off-page and on-page SEO activities.
- Ensure through your SEO service provider that the MSNBot is able to crawl your website. It may happen that certain web crawlers may be prohibited from crawling certain websites. Ask your SEO company to make sure that Bing's crawlers are not in the prohibited crawlers list.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Happy Labor Day
Analytix wishes you a HAPPY LABOR holiday! Here we salute the silent heroes 'the American workers' whose contributions have made us one of the greatest nations on this planet. We admire and celebrate the economic and social achievement of all our workers.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wondering if your business needs a SEO company? Some pointers which will help you out
The importance of a SEO company has increased many folds during the past few years due to the increasing number of people buying products and services online. In such a situation, the importance of online marketing and hiring a SEO company to improve search rankings has become of utmost importance if you want to effectively develop your business. If you have a product or service which you sell online or want to promote it online, you must be wondering if a SEO firm is worth investing in. Trust us, it is worth it. Why, you ask? Here are some reasons why hiring SEO services for your business is a good step:
Return on Investment
If your business targets online users, SEO services will give you the quickest return on investment. A SEO company has various methods and knows the techniques to improve rankings in search results. Getting your website in top rankings on search engines will grab the attention of a niche crowd which is already looking for your product or service. Conversion of this crowd into your clients will hence be a quicker process. A professional SEO company hence ensures that you get the best ROI on your investment in SEO services and make a success of your online marketing campaign.
You don't cut your own hair, do you? You hire a barber, whose specialization it is to cut hair. In a similar manner, it is advisable to hire an experienced SEO company to optimize your website rather than trying to swing it alone. True, it will be more expensive than doing it yourself, as you will have to buy a package from the SEO firm; however, you also need to consider the difference in the end results. A SEO company is an expert and has years of experience in providing SEO services to businesses. It will know exactly what to do to increase business through online traffic.
More Time on Your Hand
Search engine optimization is a time consuming task. If you don't hire a SEO company and take it upon yourself, you may end up spending hours on SEO rather than focusing on your business activities. Handing over search engine optimization to a SEO company balances the scale by giving you time to focus on revenue-generating activities. Moreover, you can rest assured that a professional SEO service provider is taking care of your website and using tried and tested promotional methods to promote your business online.
Friday, July 23, 2010
4 Reasons Why an Experienced SEO Company Doesn’t Guarantee No. 1 Ranking
- Experts and search engines warn against guarantees
Most SEO experts you consult will advise you that there is no such thing as a search ranking guarantee. If any SEO company makes such a claim while offering SEO services to you, think again before hiring it. Even leading search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing assure users that guaranteeing no. 1 position on their search engines is not possible, no matter how experienced the SEO company in question is. An inexperienced SEO firm might tempt you to hire them by guaranteeing you no. 1 rankings for certain keywords. These keywords will, in all possibility, be non-competitive ones, which will climb in rankings fast but wouldn’t bring in relevant traffic. You need a SEO company which can focus on your main keywords, improve your website rankings from its current position and bring in relevant inquiries. - Organic rankings cannot be controlled
The algorithms of search engines are constantly changing and have no fixed pattern. The order of results is changing from minute to minute, so there is no way any SEO company can predict organic search rankings. Experienced SEO service providers hence focus on making the website accessible and visible online so that it attracts the target audience. - A SEO guarantee is unethical
The most a SEO company can do is give a guarantee for the quality of services it provides. It can also analyze your existing website and make predictions of how much web traffic it can bring in through its SEO services. But SEO companies which guarantee search rankings somehow over-step the ethical boundaries of search engine optimization. Such unprofessional SEO firms will not be averse to using unethical SEO techniques, known as Black Hat techniques to boost rankings fast. Such activities may harm your website more than benefiting it. Avoid such firms and choose a search engine optimization professional after research and inquiries, so that you ensure that your SEO campaign will give your business the best results possible. - A high search ranking doesn’t reflect overall performance
Before starting your SEO campaign, you need to determine the true reason you are hiring SEO services. Your ultimate aim should be to get relevant web traffic to your business website. Some business owners get so obsessed with getting high rankings that they encourage their SEO company to get a quick solution, forgetting that it might be harmful in the long run. The real performance of your SEO campaign will be gauged only through how much traffic it has managed to get for you that is truly relevant to your business.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Happy 4th of July 2010!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Getting your website in top rankings is like winning the world cup. Are you ready for it?
Have you have decided to explore the online market and go for SEO services for your business website? If you have, it's a very good decision, one that has the potential of taking your business to the next level. Search engine optimization from an experienced SEO firm can help your business immensely, especially if your product or service can cater to the requirements of the online community. Making your website more popular online ensures that you reach your target audience online and increase your business potential. However, before you go ahead and hire a SEO firm, you need to be clear about the business goals you want to achieve through SEO services. Some common business objectives to keep in mind are:
- One of the main objectives you should be looking to fulfill through SEO services is to bring in relevant traffic to your website. The more popular your website will be online, the more web traffic you will get. This will improve the chances of getting new clients and increase business. Your SEO firm needs to optimize your website so that it climbs search rankings and people can find it easily. That way, you will reach out to potential clients who are actually searching for your products or services online.
- Your second business objective to achieve through SEO services should be to create a brand online. By utilizing various search engine optimization techniques, you can not only improve rankings, you can also create a brand for your products or services. Your SEO firm can actively participate in blogs, forums and networking sites on your behalf so that there is some interaction on your behalf with online users. Over a period of time, this will help in spreading awareness about the quality of your products or services, through which you will ultimately be able to create a brand name for yourself. Your SEO service provider will be able to guide you as to how to use new online promotion methods, which will be more effective than traditional advertising.
- You should also be able to directly market to your target audience by optimizing your website. The website becomes one of your main marketing tools when it attains top rankings for your targeted keywords in search engines. You should have a meeting with your SEO firm and discuss the direct marketing goals you want to achieve through online promotions. A successful search engine optimization campaign will allow you to augment your marketing campaign as well.
When you are clear about the goals you want to achieve through your SEO services, it will become much easier to etch out a pathway to achieve those goals. You can also involve your SEO firm to determine your SEO goals for your business.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Use professional SEO services to make your medical practice more visible online
Are you a medical practitioner who has a website but don’t get patients from it? If so, you are under-utilizing one of the most powerful mediums to reach patients today. Having a website but not using it to market your services is a serious overlook on your part, which can be remedied through professional SEO services. Your targeted patients are increasingly using the internet to look for medical services. In such a situation, if you do not have a professional SEO company optimizing your website, you will lose out to other medical practitioners in your area who have a powerful online presence. Whereas SEO services are not guaranteed to bring in patient inquiries, they will popularize your website by making it easily searchable through popular search engines like Google and Bing.
If you are looking to expand your practice base, you should use search engine optimization as an indirect tool to reach out to your target audience. The convenience of using search engines to find medical practitioners in the nearest vicinity has made thousands of people turn to the internet. As a result, online services like Google Local are increasingly being used to search for local services including medical ones. Many net-savvy medical practitioners, whether dentists or general practitioners, have recognized this trend and are using SEO services to make their services findable easily on the internet.
Say you are a dentist in Philadelphia, you may wish to be amongst the first few who are found on the search engines if someone searches for 'Philadelphia dentist' or 'dentist in Philadelphia'. An experienced SEO company can help you achieve this by optimizing your website with such keywords. If you don't use SEO services, you will lose out to another dentist in the same area who has optimized his/her website. Some doctors with established practices who don't need additional patients hire an SEO consultant to uphold a good reputation online. The online medium gives them a good opportunity to maintain contact with existing patients or give expert opinions in forums, which in turn establishes them as a subject expert.
You may not have the time to take up the intricate details related to search engine optimization yourself. You can take the help of a good SEO company which specializes in providing SEO services to medical practices. You can discuss your SEO goals with the SEO consultant in question to ensure that he/she starts off on the right track. A professional company providing SEO services will also be able to provide you additional services as part of the package like article writing, blog posting and other on and off page optimization services. All of this goes a long way in improving you online visibility. Handing over your website to a professional SEO company will enable you to focus on your practice and increase your online presence at the same time.
You need to utilize the strong medium that internet provides you with to reach out to your patients and expand your base. Even if you do not need additional patients, SEO services will ensure that your online reputation is upheld for the subject expert that you are. A reputed SEO company will enable you to achieve all this and more.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day 2010

On this Memorial Day, Analytix Solutions pays tribute to all the soldiers who have laid down their life for our country. Here’s saluting all our war heroes for their selflessness, bravery and sacrifice.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Have you ensured that your SEO services include optimization for Bing?
Bing is the latest search engine to launch in the internet world and has generated quite a buzz with its launch. So if you are targeting visitors other than Google, consider Bing when you map out a plan with your SEO company. For your SEO services for Bing, consider the following:
- Content is very important for Bing’s search engines. And it prefers quantity for all content. Your pages should have more than at least 300 words, which is a bit more than Google requires. If you do not have the time for the content, your SEO service provider can help you out with professional content writing services.
- As with Google, Bing also gives importance to linking with other websites in the same industry. Most SEO companies provide link building services in their SEO packages, which you should take advantage of for optimization for Bing. So if you want to optimize for Bing, get SEO services which include link building.
- Bing is also usually interested in how old your website domain is. This means that even before you consider SEO services, your domain should be several years old. If it isn’t, you may have to maintain multiple domains or buy an older one to catch the eye of the Bing search engine. Your SEO company can also help in optimizing your website in such a way that any disadvantage in the domain age is offset through off-page and on-page SEO activities.
- Ask your SEO service provider to ensure that the MSNBot can crawl your website. Sometimes there are certain web crawlers which are prohibited from crawling certain websites. Check with your SEO company so that Bing’s crawlers are not in the prohibited crawlers list.
- If you want some content to be detected by Bing, ask your SEO service provider to ensure that it is not included in flash or image part of your website. Including important content in flash or images prevents web crawlers from reading the text.
Your SEO services campaign for Bing can be a success if you take the above-mentioned points into consideration. Specify your requirements regarding optimization for Bing with your SEO company, so that all SEO goals are clear for both parties.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Avoid a SEO Company Using Black Hat Techniques
Search engine optimization is a very popular method to get business from websites, which is being embraced by most businesses today. As a result of this, the demand for an experienced SEO company which can get visible results in improving search engine rankings has increased. However, the growing number of SEO companies also means that there are some SEO service providers which bend the rules a little to achieve results in a short time. Such SEO techniques are unacceptable by the search engines and are known as Black Hat SEO techniques. Usage of such unethical techniques over a long term by your SEO company may get your website banned from major search engines.
If you are using a SEO company or looking for one, the following are some of the Black Hat techniques which you should look to avoid:
Content Cloaking
One major Black Hat technique used by unethical SEO companies is cloaking of content, which means hiding content within the web page in the hopes of increasing search rankings. This ensures that the search engines and visitors see different content. A common example of cloaking used by unethical SEO service providers is writing keywords in the same color as the background, so that they are seen by the search engines but not by the visitors. This indicated to the search engines that the page is full of relevant keywords. If any search engine spots this trend, the website can be banned. Make sure to hire only a SEO company which uses ethical SEO techniques and provides you with affordable SEO services.
Stuffing of Keywords
An unethical SEO company may try to stuff your web page with keywords in order to improve its rankings. This is one of the most visible unethical SEO practices and a sure-shot way of getting a site banned. What an experienced SEO company should realize is that search engines are changing their selection criteria and making it stricter by the day. Any efforts to mislead them will only damage your website rather than help it.
Farming of Links
Link building between relevant sites can improve search rankings quite a bit. However, some SEO service providers take this too far by building link farms to increase inbound links. Such websites do not have any relevant content and are used by a SEO company only for linking purposes. An experienced SEO company will never use such techniques for link building, and provide only you with the affordable SEO service package that you require for your business.
Being aware of such Black Hat SEO techniques will help you avoid hiring an improper SEO company for your business. Ask friends and other acquaintances for a reputed SEO service provider, who can slowly and steadily improve your website’s rankings.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Looking for affordable SEO services? Ask the SEO company the following questions
You should look for the following information when you consider any SEO company to provide optimization services to you:
- Is my website guaranteed No. 1 ranking with your SEO services?
- Will you change my website?
- Will you be able to prove the results you achieve?
- What kind of SEO strategies will be used to boost my website’s rankings?
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Easter 2010!!
Analytix Solutions wishes all its blog readers a very happy Easter celebration. We hope you have a great time with your family and friends over the Easter weekend.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
SEO services can do wonders for your medical practice
Are you a doctor who has a website through which your patients reach you? Well, you have the first step right. Many medical practitioners ignore the importance of having a website. However, a website is of no use without SEO services, as people will be unable to find it online. Patients are increasingly looking for local doctors as well as specialist doctors on the internet using search engines like Google and Bing. Affordable SEO services from an experienced SEO firm can help your website be found on the first page of search results. Such SEO services will help in ensuring that your website ranks well in the organic search results, which web users trust more than paid ads.
Unlike some years ago, there is a lot of business happening online. Doctors and medical practitioners cannot afford to ignore the web traffic which may come their way with the help of affordable SEO services. If you are, say, a general practitioner in MA, you would want your name to come on the first page of search results of "general practitioner, MA" or "MA general practitioner". Search engine optimization from an SEO firm ensures that your name figures on the first place. Various kinds of studies have shown that people do not go beyond the first page of search results; it will hence be good for your practice if your website figures amongst the first few search results.
Even if you are an established doctor, who doesn't need new patients, good ranking in search results can boost your reputation. You can control what people find when they search for you online. You can also attract referring doctors if your website is found quickly online. There are many SEO firms today which provide services especially to doctors and medical practitioners. These firms provide affordable packages for their SEO services, and can help you meet any goal that you have through search engine optimization.
A good technique before starting your SEO services package is thinking of terms through which your patients may be looking for you. The SEO firm you hire can then focus on those terms and integrate them throughout your website, increasing its chances of being ranked on the first page of search results. You may have various goals you wish to achieve through SEO services: you may want to get new patients, establish a reputation or attract the attention of other medical practitioners. A professional SEO firm will help you achieve these goals as well as provide you with an affordable SEO services package.
Look for SEO firms providing affordable SEO services for medical practitioners, as they will know which SEO techniques work for the medical industry. Once you find an experienced SEO service provider, sit with them for a detailed session on what you want to achieve with search engine optimization of your website.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Increase relevant traffic to your business website with website optimization
The main aim of website optimization is to improve rankings of a website, so that its web traffic increases, which in turn, can help increase business. Website optimization has become even more important today, when a majority of online users use the net to search for products or services. If you are thinking of website optimization, you will need the help of a professional SEO services company. However, we have some tips which can help you become aware of some important factors for website optimization. Knowing these points will help you ask relevant questions and hire the right person for your website.
Consider the following website optimization points if you want to increase traffic to your website:
- Unique Content
- Keywords
- Relevant Back Links
The important of unique and fresh content for website optimization cannot be stressed on enough. Keep updating your website with interesting content, which will attract search engines to crawl your pages and increase its visibility online. You can also use content on your blog, which will help in website optimization. However, the purpose of putting relevant content on your website should not only be to attract search engines, it should also capture the interest of the website visitor. You can also use content for off-site optimization by posting articles, press releases and other relevant content, which will boost your search rankings and make your company more popular online. A SEO services company offering content writing services can help you with content for website optimization.
Putting keywords relevant to your business is the first step in the website optimization process. Your website should have all the relevant keywords included in the meta tags and meta descriptions of each page. Also ensure that the density of keywords in the content of your website is proper. A professional SEO services company can help you in the selection of keywords for website optimization. Your SEO services company can also help you integrate keywords in your website and content.
Back links from relevant websites are an important factor for website optimization. Getting back links to your website ensures the search engines that other websites trust you enough to exchange their links with yours. However, search engines only consider back links from relevant websites valid. So while exchanging links for website optimization, ensure that the website is relevant and connected in some way to your business website. Select a SEO services company which offers offer link building services as part of its SEO packages, so that you can increase the number of back links to your website.
There are other aspects of website optimization which a professional SEO services company can help you out with. However, you should be aware of the above-mentioned aspects of website optimization.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Does your website optimization plan include Bing?
SEO companies as well as many small business owners are still looking for the right website optimization strategies for Bing, as it is a relatively search engine. Small businesses seeking SEO services are asking whether website optimization for Bing is any different than that for Google and Yahoo and whether they need to do anything differently for Bing. Experts in the field are of the opinion that website optimization for Bing doesn’t require anything radically different from the accepted White Hat SEO techniques. However, it will be useful to keep the following website optimization techniques in mind for Bing.
Interesting and Fresh Content
Like Google, Yahoo and other search engines, Bing, too, gives utmost importance to relevant and new content. Some search engine optimization experts suggest that web pages be loaded with text, as Bing prefers text. Take this factor in consideration when planning for website optimization for Bing. Some SEO companies also offer content writing as part of their SEO package, so you need not worry about content creation.
Age of your Domain
The older your domain, the better it is, when it comes to website optimization for Bing. The new search engine will give more importance to your website and rank it well in search results if the domain has been established some years ago. In case you are thinking of buying an older domain, talk to your SEO service provider; he/she can help you out.
Linking Exchange
Link exchange with relevant websites helps your Bing ranking. If your website has relevant incoming links, Bing will assume that your website is a trusted one, which says a lot of your website’s reputation. So while undertaking website optimization for Bing, give proper importance to relevant link exchange. Most SEO companies offer link exchange as part of the SEO services package, which will ultimately improve your website ranking in Bing.
On-Page SEO
Nothing beats the basics of search engine optimization: on-page and off-page SEO. Make sure that website optimization for your site includes on-page SEO techniques, which will help Bing cache and list your website better. Your SEO service provider should include your selected keywords in all the content of your site. Your web page title, meta tags and description should be unique, so that Bing knows what your site is about.
Your website optimization plan may already include popular search engines; however, using your SEO services for optimization for a newer search engine like Bing ensures that you cover all user demographics and popularize your website. There might be a huge part of your target audience on Bing, which you cannot afford to ignore.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Increase relevant traffic to your business website through internet marketing
Internet marketing should hold an integral position in your overall marketing strategy. Whether you have a physical store or an online business, your website has the potential to bring in a lot of business. Through different internet marketing services, your goal should hence be to popularize your website through techniques like search engine optimization, social media optimization, link building, directory submissions as well as other off page activities.
While planning internet marketing for your business, keep the following things in mind:
- The main purpose of internet marketing is to bring in relevant traffic to your website and encourage them to take a positive decision, which means increased business for you. After putting various internet marketing strategies to practice, you can track and analyze the behavior of visitors through various web metrics and tools.
- It is a tough task to increase relevant traffic to your website, especially when there are hundreds of other websites vying for the users' attention. Search engine marketing, which is an integral part of internet marketing, ensures that your website is the first one users come across when looking for your products or services. A search engine marketing campaign which includes search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC) ads, link building, articles submissions etc. can increase the number of targeted visitors your website gets each day.
- Pick out relevant keywords when planning your internet marketing campaign. The right keywords will make your website more visible to potential clients and can be a key factor in making your successful. Your internet marketing service provider should be able to generate a list of relevant and popular keywords for your business as part of his/her services. Focus your search engine marketing campaign on those relevant keywords, so that you can get the best results out of them.
- One of the key reasons to use internet marketing services is to attract relevant visitors and convince them to buy your products or services. Use innovative ways to hold the interest of a website visitor: you can offer interesting newsletters or free downloads which are useful to the visitor. You can also design and develop an attention-grabbing website, so that the visitor is tempted to explore it more.
Some of the internet marketing services available are:
- PPC Ads
- Email Marketing
- Link Building
- Article Submission
- Press Release Submission
- Social Bookmarking
- Forums Posting
- Classifieds Submission
If you want to focus on your core business activities, you would be better off hiring an internet marketing service provider. A professional who provides internet marketing services can effectively plan and execute the campaign, ensuring that you get the best results from it. Check the service provider's experience in internet marketing, so that you can rest assured that your campaign is in good hands.