SEO companies as well as many small business owners are still looking for the right website optimization strategies for Bing, as it is a relatively search engine. Small businesses seeking SEO services are asking whether website optimization for Bing is any different than that for Google and Yahoo and whether they need to do anything differently for Bing. Experts in the field are of the opinion that website optimization for Bing doesn’t require anything radically different from the accepted White Hat SEO techniques. However, it will be useful to keep the following website optimization techniques in mind for Bing.
Interesting and Fresh Content
Like Google, Yahoo and other search engines, Bing, too, gives utmost importance to relevant and new content. Some search engine optimization experts suggest that web pages be loaded with text, as Bing prefers text. Take this factor in consideration when planning for website optimization for Bing. Some SEO companies also offer content writing as part of their SEO package, so you need not worry about content creation.
Age of your Domain
The older your domain, the better it is, when it comes to website optimization for Bing. The new search engine will give more importance to your website and rank it well in search results if the domain has been established some years ago. In case you are thinking of buying an older domain, talk to your SEO service provider; he/she can help you out.
Linking Exchange
Link exchange with relevant websites helps your Bing ranking. If your website has relevant incoming links, Bing will assume that your website is a trusted one, which says a lot of your website’s reputation. So while undertaking website optimization for Bing, give proper importance to relevant link exchange. Most SEO companies offer link exchange as part of the SEO services package, which will ultimately improve your website ranking in Bing.
On-Page SEO
Nothing beats the basics of search engine optimization: on-page and off-page SEO. Make sure that website optimization for your site includes on-page SEO techniques, which will help Bing cache and list your website better. Your SEO service provider should include your selected keywords in all the content of your site. Your web page title, meta tags and description should be unique, so that Bing knows what your site is about.
Your website optimization plan may already include popular search engines; however, using your SEO services for optimization for a newer search engine like Bing ensures that you cover all user demographics and popularize your website. There might be a huge part of your target audience on Bing, which you cannot afford to ignore.