Getting the maximum number of visitors on your website is the main objective of SEO services. Hiring an expert for your search engine optimization ensures that your website becomes visible to online users for your preferred keywords; that is the success of your SEO services. However, the immense popularity of Google as a search engine has made a lot of SEO companies ignore the importance of Bing, which can be a huge crowd puller. Bing has created its own niche as far as search engines are concerned. It has its own users, who are significant in numbers, which cannot be ignored by any business organization. Your SEO services package should hence include planning for Bing as well. Some important factors your SEO company should consider for Bing are:
- As with other search engines, content is very important with Bing as well. Experts familiar with SEO services suggest keeping content quantity high - your web pages should have at least 300 words or more, if you want to optimize your website for Bing. Google requires a bit less than this, but you would do well to keep the content long, so that Bing likes and crawls your content as well. If you do not have the time to take care of content, your SEO company might also provide content writing services, which you can avail.
- Like Google, Bing also likes it if your website has linking with other sites in the same industry. Your SEO services package will by default include link building services, which will serve you well for Bing optimization. Hence, you should include link building in your SEO services if you are focusing on Bing.
- An older website domain is usually preferred by Bing’s crawlers. Even before you think of hiring SEO services, your website domain should be several years old. You have the option of buying an older domain or maintaining multiple ones in order to maintain website visitors. If required, your SEO company can help in marketing your relatively younger domain aggressively to offset any disadvantages through off-page and on-page SEO activities.
- Ensure through your SEO service provider that the MSNBot is able to crawl your website. It may happen that certain web crawlers may be prohibited from crawling certain websites. Ask your SEO company to make sure that Bing's crawlers are not in the prohibited crawlers list.