Monday, February 9, 2009

Are search rankings dependent on your site content?

Ask experts about elements of search engine optimization and each will give different criteria for their SEO campaigns. But whether for an SEO consultant or a businessman content tops the list of highly important criteria for SEO and greater rankings. It’s true: content plays a vital role in improving your search engine ranking. The sole purpose of your SEO campaign is to improve search engine ranking, and without optimized content, you will be unable to achieve it.
Most SEO service providers today give a lot of importance to optimizing content along with developing SEO strategies. However, content for your website is not only limited to what a reader comes across on your webpage; it also includes the articles, blogs, promotional material as well as press releases. All these combined together affect your search engine rankings.
The following are 4 key points to optimize your content:

Keyword-Rich Content

Your website contains the most important content influencing your search engine ranking. It should hence be written with care to include keywords relevant to your products and services. Your other content-based material like blogs, press releases and articles should also contain an ideal amount of keywords in order to be picked up by the search engines. The keyword density in all these materials should be such that the crawlers of the search engines pick them up as relevant material when a reader searches for those particular keywords. These keywords should also be used in prominent places such as titles and be evenly distributed throughout the content. Only then will your SEO campaign become a success. A note of warning though: do not use your keywords so many times that the crawlers spam your material.

Meta tag Descriptions for Web Pages

Optimizing the title and description of the web pages in Meta tags also goes a long way in getting them picked up by search engines. Your Meta tag description should be rich in keywords and give a fair idea of the content on the web page. If there is a poor description or they do not contain targeted keywords, Meta tags can bring down search engine rankings.

Link Building through Content

If your content is interesting and updated, it will become a means to link building with other websites. Users will also become regular visitors to your website for informative content on your website. Also, when you exchange links with other websites, be sure to give the link text description proper attention; it will help readers know what the destination page will be all about. Making the link text with keywords or key phrases would be a good idea for search engine optimization.

Interesting subjects of the content

Make your content as different and informative as possible. Internet users today are bombarded with the same type of information from hundreds of sites. They will explore only when they see some innovative concept on your website or blog. In order to make the user come to your site or read your article or blog, give it an appealing title. Only if the reader finds the start interesting will he continue to read the rest of it. Such content increases the incoming traffic of the website as well as improves the trustworthiness of the site, which ultimately results in high SEO ranking.

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