21. Guerilla marketing: Unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.
22. Hit: Any one file downloaded from your site one time. A single page of a web site, viewed once, may generate 30 or more hits.
23. Home page: The main page of a Web site.
24. Hybrid model : A combination of two or more online marketing payment models
25. Impressions: I Instances of an online advertisement being displayed for any Web user.
26. Inbound link: A link from a site outside of your site.
27. Outbound link: A link to a site outside your site.
28. Interactive agency: An agency offering a mix of Web design /development, Internet advertising/marketing, or E-Business/E-Commerce consulting.
29. Invisible Web: The portion of the Web not indexed by search engines.
30. Keyword: A word used in a performing a search.

31. Keyword research: The search for keywords related to your Web site, and the analysis of which ones yield the highest return on investment (ROI).
32. Link popularity: The 'vote' provided to a page on your web site when another web site (or page within your web site) links to it. Search engines include these 'votes' in their ranking algorithms.
33. Navigation: Facilitating movement from one Web page to another Web page.
34. Pageview: Request to load a single web page. If I visit your web site and look at 2 pages that will count as 2 page views.
35. PPC: Pay Per Click marketing is a bid for top position in the sponsored search engine rankings. Higher bids have a better chance of a higher ranking, although there are other factors. One is advisable to set bids after careful research and analysis of keywords to optimum results.
36. PPL: Pay per lead (PPL) is an online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely based on qualifying leads.
37. PPS: Pay per sale (PPS) is an online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely based on qualifying sales.
38. RSS: It stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’ where in a type of text file delivers a list of headlines and content directly to feed readers and other software.
39. SEO: Search Engine Optimization is working to ensure your web site will get as high a ranking as possible in the unpaid search results in the major search engines.
40. Social Media: Usually refers to the many blogs, bookmarking sites and other sites that allow visitors to interact with each other and the web site owner.
41. Static web site: 'Static' refers to the fact that the page does not change.
42. URL: It stands for Universal Resource Locator. http://www.analytixsolutions.com/ is the URL of one page of this site.
43. Unique visitors: Individuals who have visited a Web site (or network) at least once during a fixed time frame.
44. Web Analytics: Taking traffic data and other information about your web site, analyzing it, and then providing insight. Note that a raw report is not analytics.
45. Web site usability: The ease with which visitors are able to use a Web site.
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