Besides following the commonly given away practical advises such as decreasing your debt, decreasing your expenses; increasing your savings and practicing frugality in your business and personal life I would advise to capitalize from your existing customers and convert maximum of prospects into customers. They can definitely ensure your survival. If you’re running a traditional set-up with not much of technology put to use, you surely need to open up that client directory you used to maintain few years back and start calling up them and promote your services with some healthy discounts.
If you own a good website, you should surely launch some good promotional offers that can help convert your prospects into business. You would also need a good marketing plan as whatever your blowout offer may be; it’s no use if you do not have sufficient website visitors to read about it.
Check out for Search Engine Optimization program. It’s the right antidote needed to get your internet marketing done within a small web marketing budget.
If you plan to pop-up any further question SEO related questions for me, like how, why, what, when, etc. here’s few further facts from me:

- With SEO, you can get your website placed on top rankings of major search engines. This gives your website better visibility, more number of visitors and an extended chance to reach out to your prospects before your competitors.
- SEO will help to turn your website into an online shop by increasing traffic and improving conversion rate. Hiring a professional SEO expert can deliver good results.
- Organic SEO is free of cost and delivers results for a longer period of time compared to any pay-per-click advertising options. Hire a SEO consultant to kick-off your organic SEO program and save on cost and time.
- Organic SEO is no rocket-science and you can find tons of net materials on do-it-yourself SEO practices. It’s not difficult to begin with, but the only constraint is that they take up lot of time. A SEO pro can in-turn help you save this time and even bring on board all the experiential tips and tricks that drive faster results compared to trial-and-error methods.
Internet marketing offers many avenues to know and reach your targeted customer instead of waiting for them to come to you. Be active, be found and make marketing the center of your activities to survive the recession besides following the conventional precautions.
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